Sunday, October 28, 2007

I don't picture them in their underware.

As a Christian I'm commanded to share my faith. As someone who loves theater and performing, I like to do you on stage.

I've written several monologues and short skits. I've acted in lots. I suppose my biggest crowd was maybe 1000 people. I love the feeling I get looking out and seeing all those people hanging on my every word. It's such a wonderful opportunity to minister, I've never been very good one-on-one. But God has blessed me with the ability to do anything in front of people and not be embarrassed. At times this has been the bain of my wifes life, because she at times had been caught in my say what you want doesn't bother me cross fire. Sorry honey.

Anyway I say all this because I discovered the clip below on God Tube. This is amazing. I would LOVE to do this in church. Maybe soon.

Lifehouse Everything

1 comment:

Heidi said...

This was awesome, Nik! It made me cry!

Thanks for sharing!