Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The club house will have to wait

Julie and I were at odds anyway. I say a club house is different than a tree house. She says a tree house should be put together with what ever you find laying around the house. I'm ok with that. But I say a club house should be BIG. Have bunk beds, a firemens poll, maybe roof access and a widow walk. In other words I want to spend about $700 to build one.

I'm planning on doing it with out really getting permission. You know how that goes, don't worry she never reads my blog.....oh, crap is that her.....honey I was kidding, really-I-was......

BUT. A couple days ago the black berries in our "woods" started to ripen. I told Abby she and Isaac should pick them and we'll have pie and jams and yummy stuff.

The kids are excited and do just that, they pick berries. Good kids. They leave the new bowl of berries on the family room table. In comes their 2 year old sister. There goes the carpet. Now I have puple pok-a-dotted carpet. It's not coming clean.

I was having a bad day anyway and informed the kids that new floor is $700.00 a new club house is $700.00. Guess which one I have to do first.........

Than 2 old ladies yelled at Julie and said you can replace carpet not kids...is that a sign from God I should build the club house.

Julie still says a tree house.......what ever, ask her about pinata's......that's another story....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.